- Reading a photographer’s site and her pricing and her payments leave her wide open to get burned. Resisting emailing, but I want to. *sigh* #
- Re: my last tweet – it isn’t someone I know. At all. So I feel odd giving unsolicited advice. Especially since I’ve never talked with them. #
- How would you feel if someone you had had no previous contact with came to you and pointed out something wrong w/ your biz? Seems mean. #
- PerezCohen Gallery opening tomorrow night from 6-8pm at 2308 Elmen St (Houston) – 6 great artists! Can’t wait to see the show! #
- Speaking of art shows, I’m super mega-excited to have @JenXer’s art on display at White Linen Night on August 1! 6-10pm 1024 Studewood #
- Houston Men: Win A Date with an @UrbanHoustonian http://bit.ly/HfaS4 <– MUST CLICK AND READ!!! I can vouch for him being teh awesome! #
- Read: http://bit.ly/lwmx
-It always startles me a little to find a blog post that mentions me! #