- @JenXer Don't tell anyone I said this, but there is nice yarn to be had at Hobby Lobby or Michael's when in a pinch. Patons especially. in reply to JenXer #
- @JenXer @TheWynk @nadnuk Try to make the drive up I-45 to Spring sometime, Twisted Yarns BLOWS Yarns2Ewe away. Especially their attitude. in reply to JenXer #
- @frankdelvalle Someone at the Chronicle to pick up the story and run with it. Trying to fin a way in before the holiday write-ups go out! in reply to frankdelvalle #
- @urbanhoustonian I completely understand. I was feeling the same way, and starting to really hate the Inglorious Bastards. in reply to urbanhoustonian #
- @CypressAlbums Haha! My most recent post gushes about my Think Tank bag love. They are awesome! http://bit.ly/MCdd5 in reply to CypressAlbums #
- RT @rondawson Here's a valuable lesson on business & branding from the movie "The Princess Bride." http://bit.ly/aJtQn (INCONCEIVABLE!) #
- @JRCohen Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear JRRRRRRR… Happy birthday to YOUUUUUUU!!! in reply to JRCohen #
- @tensixteen64 You can pick when @borrowlenses sends the lens to you, they are zippy fast and AWESOME. I highly recommend them! in reply to tensixteen64 #
- @urbanhoustonian Oh yes, it was pure sarcasm. I should have tagged it appropriately. in reply to urbanhoustonian #
- RT @denvan 10 lessons from The Princess Bride – for branding http://tinyurl.com/mfx2cx – most excellent! [via @rondawson] #
- Love this article about @JohnPalmerArt – http://houston.skirt.com/node/56914 John & Ryan are so inspiring! Can't wait to photograph them! #
- @JohnPalmerArt How is next Tuesday afternoon? Look good for you? 6pm is best outdoor light, but earlier if indoors. 4pm? in reply to JohnPalmerArt #
- @baldheretic Added it to my calendar! Can't wait to see you guys and get my geek on! in reply to baldheretic #
- I'm adding some of my favorite photo & business blogs to the blogroll on http://bigpinkcookie.com – have any faves I should include? #
- @ToddTodderson You were missed at Melissa & Brandon's reception – everyone asked about your trip to Belize & how you were doing! in reply to ToddTodderson #
- @BorrowLenses Absolutely! I was just talking about WPPI plans earlier today! Will you guys have a booth there again this year? in reply to BorrowLenses #
- @morgantrinker *snort* I'm totally cracking up. I actually have a whole "inspired by Brand Morgan" post in my mind, soon to be written! in reply to morgantrinker #