- This cracks me up *every* time I see it – pug cleans your screen: http://www.raincitystory.com/flash/screenclean.swf #
- "Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." – Henry Van Dyke #
- @jenn_kathryn HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May you have an awesome day where all the joy you give others throughout the year is brought back to you! in reply to jenn_kathryn #
- It is @ShootQ Webinar time! You in??? #
- @starzabove Heehee! I've been cleaning out my email, and I'm on 2-3 daily inspiration email lists. I am posting the ones I like most here. in reply to starzabove #
- RT @shawnp0wers: Gmail and other Google apps status page, for those without email: http://tinyurl.com/bjmuhp (via @KatherineD) #
- @TheRafaela While a trip to @CRAVEHouston sounds divine, I refuse to be anywhere close to that area of town between 5-5:30pm. Traffic! in reply to TheRafaela #
- RT @jhoomes If a wolf can take down a deer from either side does that make it bambidextrous? #
- @inateapot I just did a little dance for you after reading that. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! (And Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!) in reply to inateapot #