Media Consumption


Actor John Ritter dead at 54 – Sep. 12, 2003

I saw it mentioned on Emily’s site earlier, but didn’t really catch it until I spotted it on CNN. John Ritter died. I am still stunned.

I absolutely loved “Three Is Company” when I was little. I watched it all the time. I watched it in reruns. We even played “Three is Company” like some kids play house, especially when we would visit our friends in Champaign – Jenny, Jason & I would play – Jen & I would fight over who got to be Chrissy because we both had blond hair. (We were young. Stop laughing at me.) Even now, I love the show. A lot of good memories there.

I can’t believe he’s dead.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

20 replies on “What?!??!!!”

I can’t believe John Ritter is dead…he was young! 🙁 Too sad. I remember watching 3’s company when I was growing up.

Johnny Cash died of a broken heart I think. I know he had some stomach problems, but after June died, I think he just lost his will. 🙁 He was a legend.

So sad about John. He is one of those guys you expect to be around forever. What a great, funny actor. I grew up watching Three’s Company, too and have enjoyed watching his career carry on throughout the years. Rest in Peace, John. You will be missed.

I’m probably more shocked and saddened about John over Johnny. I guess I’ve braced myself for Johnny’s death but John’s death came out of left field. They will both be missed. 🙁

Sept 12, saw the death of 2 Johns, John Ritter and Johnny Cash and Ritter death came as a big surprise to me as he was still so young.
But even more shocking was today I received a news that a friend of mine (though not close) was shot to death by a hit man while he was driving on the street. Sept. to me seems like a month of death 🙁

I was sad about John Ritter. I watch three’s company. made me laugh John was so funny man like Jerry Lewis and Jim Carrey, According to Jim too also
from with love Julie Lorraine Jackson. my favorite John Ritter.

John Ritter is such a major part of my life! I still cant get over it. Threes company is my ALLTIME favorite show! I have every episode onDVD. I know EVERYTHING about it! I have little siblings [2,3], and I will watch it just to hear his voice. Some say i’m obsessed….R.I.P. John…R.I.P.

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