Randomness to wrap up October.
Stalker Angie has come up with the Kid & Ewe festival theme song, Yarn’s Bound and Wound:
Yarn’s bound and wound, we’re loadin’ up and truckin’,
We gonna drive past San Antonio.
We’ve got a long way to go, and a short time to get there.
We’re West bound just watch ol’ Stalker run.
That is just a taste of it. Read her site for more. Kid & Ewe countdown begins! Will YOU be joining us? EVERYONE is welcome – whether you have a blog or not! Get the details here. November 11th – be there!
The giant paper (17 pages with citations) that I wrote two weeks ago on how to become a pharmacist? I made a 100, including the presentation. I also learned that one can not go to pharmacy school part time as I dreamed, and it might just have to wait until after 2010 when Jason graduates from high school. I’m looking at several other degree options, including Chemistry, Biochemistry, Psychology, Communications with a focus in Advertising, and Photography. All have their pros and cons, so I have some thinking to do.
The Trig test that I took just days after turning in that paper? I did not do so well. We will just focus on the fact that I had a 95 and a 99 for the first two tests and the fact that our final can replace our lowest grade. It will be all good.
If I don’t get a Chemistry degree, I can stop taking all of these math and science classes. It would make my life easier in some ways, but I think I would miss the challenge. Decisions, decisions. Really? I just want to take pretty photographs.
I had more teen trick-or-treaters tonight than kid trick-or-treaters. It was really odd, and a bit disappointing. I like to see the little kids all dresses up. The high school freshman with “I am a Gangster” written on a plain white t-shirt? Yeah, not so much. I made him do gang signs for me though, so that redeemed it somewhat for me.
I called Katy Blogless earlier to work out a deal with her – I am going to trade her chocolate Halloween candy for the fruity stuff. I like things like red Twizzlers, Smarties, and cherry Tootsie Roll pops. She likes chocolate. It all works out well. Jason was sweet and gave me Smarties tonight – he knows how to win his mom over.
Don’t tell my family, but I have hidden a bag of Reese’s Miniatures that I got on sale. I do like some chocolate, especially when there is peanut butter involved. Yum.
I’m actually not a big sweet eater. So just a few pieces of candy will do until next Halloween.
I am going to photograph Katy’s finished knitting tomorrow, so there will be a proxy post here for her. Whee!
Speaking of knitting, I realized that it might be too warm for a sweater at Kid & Ewe. I cast on today for the Forest Canopy Shawl using the most beautiful skein of Anne yarn. I am so excited about knitting this lace!
I have started work on the calendars. Would anyone be interested in a “design your own” calendar where you get to pick the 12 photos you want to be included? Just tossing out ideas.
I hate Daylight Saving Time. I know, I know, we “gained an hour” this past weekend. The only thing it did for me was jack with my sleeping patterns and I have been exhausted all day today. Then again, I have been up for 17+ hours, so maybe that is why I am tired? I need to go to bed, but I need to make sure I talk to Mike before he starts his return adventure to Houston, so I need to stay up for a little while. I have no idea where I am supposed to find him when I get to the airport tomorrow night to pick him up.
Mike comes home tomorrow. He will go from London to Amsterdam and then home to Houston. I’m glad he will finally be home. Maybe I can get some sleep finally.
That wraps up October. Happy November, everyone! Rabbit, Rabbit!
6 replies on “Yarn’s Bound and Wound…”
We had lots of teenagers tonight, too. Even one adult. The adult just looked creepy.
When you said that you were trading for some red…I thought that you meant red apples! Why is pharmacy school out?
I’m down with the choose your own calendar idea. That would be super cool.
I also love the calendar idea!
I want to go to KnE, but I think I’ll be at the Salado Clan Gathering instead. (http://www.ctam-salado.org/Gathering/Gathering.htm) if you’re interested.
Hopefully I’ll make it to KnE one of these years.
Dude. When did it become ok to be a grown-up, without a costume and a ragged looking Target bag going from house to house collecting candy? I wish I could say I didn’t give her any gummy fangs (that’s what we gave out – cool, right?), but alas, I was afraid she’d drive her Buick into my living room.
My opinion – you can be either of legal driving age OR a trick or treater, not both. Losers.