
What’s In My Bag? (30 Days of Lists: Day 8)

Yesterday was a crazy, crazy day. Matter of fact, it started the night before. I went to my studio to have a meeting about the upcoming Photocamp Houston (whoo hoo!!!) and Mike went to a 5 course dinner with beer pairings at Beaver’s. As our meeting ended and I hopped in the Mini to head home, I thought that I should take a moment to check in with Mike. Good thing I did, because it turned out it was five STRONG beers that they served up with dinner, and since he doesn’t drink often it hit him hard! Oops! He had no intentions of driving home, but since I was there I was able to go get him instead of him taking a cab. Of course, that meant I had to drive him back there yesterday morning to get his car! I needed to get in to get my hair trimmed before SXSWi, so I made a quick call to the salon and got in there as well.

The whole thing threw off my working plans for yesterday though, so today is crazy catch up day! And as I went to sleep last night, I realized I never wrote this post. That made me sad, which I considered a good sign that I’m getting back into the swing of regular blogging! Yay!

Today’s List prompt is “What’s In My Bag?” I should note here that it gave me pause as I looked around and wondered to myself, “Which bag???” Seems that I have a thing for bags. Lots and lots of bags. It doesn’t help that as a knitter, I often have projects in bags too. But I’m going to go with my main bag, my cute concealed carry purse. So let me see, what do we have in here?

– Business cards to pass out for Wholly Matrimony.
– Business cards I got from others at WPPI – I’m still working on emailing everyone that I met!
– Several Sharpie Pens – they are the best!
– Receipts
– My latest sock knitting project – hoping to finish it while on the road to SXSW
– My wallet
– A fortune from a fortune cookie
– Cash
-9mm pistol
– Debit cards, drivers license, health insurance card
– Two tubes of lipstick
– Lush lip balm
– my iPad
– my Sprint MeFi for my iPad (looking forward to the upcoming iPhone update to use that instead!)
– a thumb drive

Best part about making this list? I cleaned out my purse at the same time and threw stuff away!

I should add that I love my purse. Mike bought it for me for my birthday, but took me to the Fossil store so that I could try out the purses and make sure I got one that my iPad fit into, that way I can easily carry it around with me!


Things I’m Good At… (30 Days of Lists: Day 2)

Today’s list is Things I’m Good At. I don’t know about you, but sometimes writing about things I’m good at is hard. I seem to be conditioned to find my faults so much easier than I find my own strengths. I’m working on that though! Definitely a perk of doing these lists!

I’m Good at…
– Photography
– Being crafty
– Loving
– Writing
– Being a friend
– Knitting
– Using a map (totally snagged from Campfire Chic)
– Blogging
– Making pretty graphics
– Procrastiworking
– Laughing
– Crying
– Baking
– Spotting Typos
– Giving Directions
– Twittering (Because that takes skillzzz!)
– Random trivia
– Remembering small details years later
– Singing loudly while alone in my car
– Dancing like no one is watching

BlahBlahBabble Reverb10

Make – Reverb10, Day 6…

Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?

I’m exempting photography from this. Not that it isn’t significant, but it is something I make all the time. So instead I’d rather talk about something else, my knitting!

I love to knit, but I don’t make enough time for it. That really needs to change, and I’m working on it. The last thing I made and completed was a sock. I finished the first of the pair while I was on the road in Mexico that I mentioned the other day, the crazy highway with all the curves, and I’ve been working on sock #2 to complete the pair. They are Trekking XXL yarn, a fantastic wool. I love Trekking!

There are SO many other things I want to make! While I was in London last month, Pixeldiva Ann gifted me with the most amazing bag full of awesome wool yarn from The Yarn Yard. Natalie, the owner of The Yarn Yard, took one dye and made one skein of everything she carried in that same color of dye. Absolutely fascinating to see how each individual type of yarn picked up the color differently. It is just stunning! It ranges from maroon to plum to nearly black, and as light as a dusty rose. Oh goodness. I love it so much! I’m planning out my projects for it, and every time I look at it it makes me smile & think of Ann & Karl, since it matches the color of Ann’s wedding dress. Just brilliant! Natalie was so wonderful to deliver this bag of delicious fiber to London and hand it off to me personally! After snuggling with it for a bit, I shared it with the other knitters too, and we all ooh’d and ahh’d over it.

Now begins the hard part – matching up the perfect project with each of the yarns. I’ve been researching on Ravelry (I’m Christine over there) and gathering up ideas. Have any suggestions? Most is lace to sock weight, and I have enough to make shawls or a pair of socks out of all of them. Or gloves, mittens, etc. – similar yardage options. What would you make if you had a lot of yummy yarn?

I need to make some photographs of that yarn as well – it is really too beautiful not to share! Hopefully this weekend!

BlahBlahBabble Knittastic!

On Kinnearing…

I still remember when the Yarn Harlot posted her first attempts at Kinnearing on her blog – but I had no idea it had gone so far:

Most excellent!


Wow, is it 2009 already?

How did that happen? I swear 2008 just ZOOOOOOMMED past me, with a flurry of a whooshing sound and *bam!* (sonic boom), it was gone.

That said, it was a pretty big year for me, especially business wise. Yes, it seems like lately my life is primarily about my business, and my business is my life. My biggest goal for 2009? To tip that balance back. I think that always happens to people in the first 12-18 months of a business, as you work through a lot of growing pains. Now that I’m past that point, I have completely different growing pains to do deal with, but they are a LOT more manageable.

I’m also going to focus on blogging more. One small problem? I’m blogging in 5 different places. Here, – wedding photography related posts (I hope to add more newborn & seniors in 2009 now), Boudoir Mon Cheri – boudoir photography related posts, with wedding planning tips, and with photography business related tips. Whew! I know I can do it though. To be honest, I love writing.

My other goal for this year is to get more knitting done! Matter of fact, after we yelled out Happy New Year and kissed to ring in the year, I then went on to knit a round on the sleeve of my sweater that I’ve been working on since August. When I actually stopped and focused on it, it took me just a few hours to finish the sleeve that had been languishing for weeks. So now that I’ve finished a project in 2009, and actually *worn* it (which involved weaving in ends and sewing on buttons), I want to do MORE! I need this Sewing Machine Today!!!!!

The February Lady Sweater is DONE and I'm wearing it to my class today @SewCrafty!!!
Sorry it is a bit blurry. The iPhone was all I had handy before I headed out the door.

I also took a sewing class up at SewCrafty and learned some of the basics of sewing. Thanks to my mom being *amazing* when it comes to sewing, I realized how much I already knew from watching her over the years. I don’t have any immediate plans to sew anything, but maybe once the summer is here and it is too hot to knit this will be a good option for me.

Last but not least – thanks in part to the Kindle, which I *LOVE* – I read the entire The Twilight Saga in a span of just a few weeks. I read the last two books in the series in a matter of 2 days each, I think. I haven’t read that fast, or that long, in ages. We made a specific effort to unplug and read. (Wait, does that count if I read on the Kindle? Yeah, I think it does.) It was nice and relaxing — I must do that more.

Last but not least (the one I forgot until KB’s comment!), I want to make sure I don’t sacrifice time to go to local events to connect more with my friends and the greater Houston community. Or should that be the GREAT Houston community? Either way, I haven’t been getting out enough the past few months – it was hard when my schedule was so full with weddings on Saturdays. We’re going to work on that with the whole “Serenity” thing.

So in a nutshell, my 2009 resolutions:
– Serenity in my life
– Blog more
– Knit/Craft more
– Read more
– Remember to unplug (so I have time for those things)
– Enjoy time with my family
– Reconnect with my friends

What are your resolutions for 2009?