Abducted by Aliens

It All Starts So Simply…

I was out in the kitchen and I bent over to get a box out from a cabinet – one that we don’t need anymore because we love our FoodSaver and use it often – so no need to keep the box. Somewhere between bending over and standing up, it happened. A spasm across my back. I yelped in pain. Thankfully, Mike was right there, so he got me ibuprofen and brought me out to the couch. I still feel hot and flush and sweaty. Meh. It really hurts. Right across my back at the bottom of my ribs. This sucks. Ouch.

If you need me, I’ll be on the couch.

Abducted by Aliens Educate Me

Trig No More…

Mini Big Ben

Big Ben in Miniature, manipulated in Photoshop CS2. Even better large.

That’s it. Sad, but true. I have to drop this class. I am struggling to get through the homework, and the best case scenario right now is that I could get a C on this test. I could use some of the Spring Break time to play catch-up, but I have some review to do in Biology and Chemistry already. Mike pointed out just now how stressed I’ve been sounding when we talk on the phone, and I can see what I’m doing pretty clearly and I know all the signs.

When I get stressed or anxious about something, or just don’t want to do it at all, I will do everything I can to avoid it. I’ve always been like this. I would rather stare at a spot on the ceiling right now instead of working on this homework. I’m in avoidance mode. Heck, I was installing plugins on the blog and making miniatures to avoid it yesterday. I want to be doing anything else over the homework. Last night I had to stop myself from doing spring cleaning housework because I needed to do the homework. It is that bad.

I’m just considering it a medical expense and letting it go. I know what I could have done differently, but even if I had, the first unit would be a blur thanks to the issues I was having. Now I can focus on the other 3 classes and when I take this one again I will get the A that I should be making, instead of settling for a worse grade.

Update, about an hour later: Can I just tell you how relieved I feel having made that choice? Oh my goodness, it is like a huge weight has been lifted. As an added bonus – I’m officially on Spring Break now! Whoo hoo! Parrrrrtay! Oh, wait. That was the spring breaks of my youth. Never mind. I think I’m going to go do the podcast and then work on my second Jaywalker sock.

Abducted by Aliens

For the Love of Your Hands…

I just posted this as a way too long comment over on Mel’s site, but it is worth repeating here. Mel was just told she has Carpal Tunnel, but she doesn’t want to miss a lot of work having the surgery. I know I was offline for 2 weeks when I had my hand surgery back in December, but part of that was by choice, and part of that was because I actually had two procedures done at the same time – the one for Carpal Tunnel and the one for DeQuarvein’s Syndrome – something I would never recommend. (I found out later that the doctor also doesn’t normally recommend it, but we were dealing with a short holiday break so we did it that way. Big mistake.) The surgery on my thumb had it immobile for two weeks. I basically had a cast that covered my thumb and rendered my right hand pretty useless. That said, the carpal tunnel portion of the surgery wasn’t bad at all. By day 2, I was moving my fingers. Day 3, I was able to type somewhat, although not much without a thumb, so I just stayed offline.

Your hands are SO important to you – why would you want to mess with the health of your hands? I just talked about this on my latest podcast because it matters so much to me. Take good care of your hands!

If you have been told you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, here is my advice (slightly edited from the original comment left on Mel’s site):

– ICE. You don’t need heat. Just ice. My hand surgeon and my hand therapist both said the ice is what does the trick; heat just feels good. (I realize different therapists have different views on this, but from personal experience only ice helps.)

– Sleep with the wrist splints on. You may feel stupid, but I don’t care. You want to take care of your hands, right?

– Drive a standard? Wear the splints then too. Probably a good idea no matter what you drive.

– Splints during the day also a good idea. You’ll get used to them. I knit with them on. You can do it.

– The carpal tunnel only surgery has a initial recovery time of less than a week. My Mom had it in February – without the thumb surgery – and she was on the computer two days after her surgery. My surgeon had told me that he frequently has people do the surgery on a Thursday, take Friday off and return to Monday.

– Once you have carpal tunnel syndrome, it NEVER goes away. The symptoms may get better, but it doesn’t go away. Ignore it and skip having the surgery and you can end up like me with some permanent nerve damage. I have a crappy tingle feeling in my right hand all the time, and a special spot that I can touch that sends fireworks through my hand. I would recommend nerve testing to determine the level of carpal tunnel that you have, and also trying the cortisone shots first. But if you are at the point where surgery is recommended – do it.

You may Find help with addiction if it has become physically, mentally and emotionally draining — a thirst that’s never quenched, a craving that’s never satisfied.

Almost 3 months later, I have no numbness. No tingling. Nothing. My right hand feels so good, I am considering having the surgery on my left hand this summer. (It only goes numb 1-2 times a week, so we’re not at the severe point my right hand was at with constant pain. Yet.)

Sorry to go on and on, but the health of your hands is so important. You use them to work. To craft. To create. You depend on them. You would have a hard time being on the computer right now if you had problems with your hands. Do you really want that? Don’t screw with them just because you don’t want to be off work for a few days or you don’t want to pay for surgery. Take care of your hands.

Abducted by Aliens Educate Me

Brain Update…

View from the Metro

This is the view as we pulled into the Metro station to go to the Eiffel Tower. So the next photos from the honeymoon set will be a select few of the hundreds I have of the Eiffel Tower; consider yourself warned.

I’m happy to report that the change in medicine seems to have helped out a great deal – I had my first test since the change, in Chemistry on Monday, and I got …. *drumroll* … an A! Whoo hoo!

I got a D on the first test. D! I still can’t believe it. I didn’t get anything lower than a really high B last semester. Fortunately, my Chemistry teacher drops our lowest test grade. So that D won’t hurt me and there is still hope for an A in the class.

Now I’m going to return to studying Biology. Our second lab practical over Kingdom Plantae is tomorrow, followed by the unit test on Tuesday. Plants are much easier to deal with then all that itty bitty bacteria and algae stuff. Hopefully I can continue to make the grades I am used to – even if I get a B overall in this class I will be thrilled. Kingdom Protista sucks.

Knitting photos tomorrow. I have lots to share!

Abducted by Aliens Educate Me

It Isn’t All in My Head…

The Real IMG_4362

I realized today that the same time that my dingy issues began and I started to forget everything was also the time when Dr. Head (the one that I go visit for the whole cyclothymic issue) decided to try me out on a different medicine. I guess I didn’t think about it before because I’ve been feeling so great on this medicine. Well, great aside from the fact that I can’t remember what I study for more than 10 minutes, which doesn’t do me any good when the tests roll around. It seemed like a smart idea to look into it (I still have an appointment with Dr. Has-a-Clue, the blood pressure doctor, for next week) and so I got an appointment to see him.

The second I walked in to his office, he said he was surprised that on a relatively low does I was suffering from the memory-loss side effect. Ok, he used some fancy word that began with a “C” that basically meant that I’ve become quite flaky. He then went on to ask if I’ve had a dry mouth lately – uh, yeah. I had just sucked down about 32 oz. of water while sitting in his waiting room. So we’re changing the meds. Hopefully we won’t lose the positive effects that this one brought on, but I’ll be able to find my brain again.

I knew it was a bit odd to go from having straight A’s to making C’s in almost all of my classes. Just not right. I wonder if the teachers will take a note from my doctor and let me take those tests over? Hm. Well, it actually won’t hurt me too bad in some of the classes – they drop the lowest test grade and replace it with our quiz average if it is higher. So there is still a chance to pull it all up.

I’m just so happy to know it wasn’t just my imagination that I was forgetting everything so fast.