
Follow The Bouncing Ball…

Digging through the MT-Plugins site, I am amazed at how many options are out there that I wasn’t even aware of! I am always wondering how people do things on their sites, and inspired by that, I realized that I should add a Changelog category here. Feel free to follow along if you want to track my additions or changes to the site!


Return of Another Skin…

With just a few tweaks here and there, the basic blue and white skin has returned. Electrin had commented that the skin was broken when I first met him – in reality, I had never bothered to fix it last year.

Now if I could figure out a firm definition of when to use div, when to use span, and when to use class vs. id, I’ll be really happy. For now I’m doing a lot of guessing, but at least it’s educated guessing that validates!

UPDATE: I didn’t test this one in Mozilla (I moved on to other code things I needed to work on), but it has been pointed out in the comments that it’s jacked in Mozilla and IE 6. I have no clue how to fix it. I will have to beg the CSS code gods for help. Meanwhile, if you click on it in those browsers, you might need this alternate way to get back to the default template.


Just Can’t Get Enough…

Just can’t get enough of me? Miss the old, old default look of this site? Then you will be happy to know that the Christine photo skin has been tweaked to work with the new CSS! I need to make changes to the sidebar, but it’s displaying correctly now! (I still have to fix the date based archives too. Don’t look at those.)


Changes Underway…

If you’re using anything other than skin 1 or skin 12, you’re probably seeing a mess right now. I’m still tweaking, meanwhile – pick a different skin.


I Did It!!!

I did it! I did it! The new and improved BPC Lite just received a “This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!” You can see for yourself – Validation Results for BPC Lite.

UPDATE: Validating my CSS was a lot easier – a quick phone call to Matt to get help figuring out the errors, stripping out the oh-so-cute but not valid scrollbars, and now I am pleased to announce that the CSS is valid too!

I would like to dedicate this moment to Tantek for not laughing at me too hard when I said CSS makes my eyes bleed and instead convincing me that I could do it. I also want to dedicate it to Matt for his helpful hand-holding and coding along the way, and Kristine for her CSS zen help.

Wow. Valid XHTML, Valid CSS, and Valid RSS. I think I’ve hit a new level of Geek Nirvana.