BlahBlahBabble Educate Me Knittastic!

Because Everyone Can Use Some Organization…

I am back in Houston. I need to go through my Harlot photos and then my Arkansas photos so I can post them. The time will come soon. First I need to make sure that Jason is ready to START HIGH SCHOOL (someone hold me while I cry a little) on Monday. We’ve shopped for clothes, he has new tennis shoes, and he goes to “Cougar Camp” on Friday morning for a bit of orientation from the student council. I still can’t believe it is time for him to start HIGH SCHOOL. Wow.

Then I only have two weeks left before I start classes myself. I have a lot that I want to get done in those two weeks, which means it isn’t likely to happen. But I’ll do what I can in that amount of time. This semester will be a lighter load for me in that I won’t have as many classes, and only one of them involves a lab. The classes will probably be harder though, so I’m trying not to take on too much. This semester it will be Organic Chemistry, Trigonometry, and a Psych class for people majoring in health sciences. (The last one is required for my scholarship.)

I am also finishing up (finally!) my notes for the next Pointy Sticks podcast. Mike’s vacation ends today, so I hope to record while he is at work tomorrow. I know, shocking, isn’t it?

Once I get done with my home organization projects, I want to set up my crafty inventory in CraftMemo. It looks really cool, plus it is free. Can’t beat free. Check it out! [via Mac.]

Educate Me

New Show, Coming SOON!

Knit with Pointy SticksGuess what I’m doing tonight?!? I’m recording the next episode (at last!) of the Pointy Sticks podcast! Whoo hoo!!! I know, I know, I said it earlier this week. I didn’t get a chance to do it though thanks to studying for finals. It is all over now though – so I get to record the show! Sweet! (Please, take the button & link to the show!)

Speaking of the grades – I have my Photography grade now too! He posted them online today after the test. Pretend that there is a “B” there for the Biology grade; she has already told me that is what I received for the class. Can I just say again that I’m really glad this semester is over?

The Grades Are In...

Educate Me Knittastic!

Attention, People in the Houston Area…

If you are in the Houston area, and you haven’t been outside yet, leave your keyboard right now and GO. Go outside. Go frollic in the springtime sun. After two hot and muggy days, it is amazing and cool outside right now! (Cool being relative, since it is 68 degrees – that probably isn’t cool to some people up North from us, is it?) And the humidity? 42%!!! That never happens! So not only is it cool, it isn’t muggy at all. It is so beautiful!

Final Exam SockI thought it was just a random fluke. I thought surely it wouldn’t last. I was wrong!

Today – May 11: Sunny, 84°/54°
Fri – May 12: Sunny, 87°/62°
Sat – May 13: Mostly Sunny, 93°/66°
Sun – May 14: Isolated T-Storms, 84°/64°
Mon – May 15: Partly Cloudy, 82°/61°
Tue – May 16: Mostly Sunny, 84°/63°
Wed – May 17: Mostly Sunny, 85°/67°
Thu – May 18: PM T-Storms, 84°/67°
Fri – May 19: Scattered Showers, 89°/67°
Sat – May 20: Partly Cloudy, 92°/73°

Of course, the worst weather (highest temperatures) predicted are on the weekends. But next week, the first week of my summer break, is all supposed to be NICE. A few clouds, maybe a thunderstorm, but otherwise? Beautiful weather!

Now I just hope that prediction doesn’t change!

Final final is today. Photography, at 12:30 this afternoon. It should be short and sweet, I should be out of there within 30 minutes. I’ve reviewed the study guide, I wrote out all the definitions and answered all the questions – I should be good to go. Then, to celebrate the end of the semester, tomorrow is sit & knit day with Katy at Twisted Yarns! Whee!

The sock above is the sock I mentioned the other day that I was somewhat “meh” about. To cleanse my brain after that final in Chemistry II yesterday, I turned the heel, worked the gusset, and started on the foot. I need “mindless” knitting during finals, plus something that is easy to tote around with me in case I have time to kill, like when I was waiting for my Biology II grade the other day. I just sat in the hallway and knit until she had our tests scanned and our overall grade calculated. The yarn is Trekking XXL #107, and in person it is pinks and green. Very appropriate colors for spring. I started out with the basic 56 stitch, 56 row sock pattern, but it was a little too tight, so I frogged them and went up to 64 stitches. I’m knitting with the Magic Loop method, using Addi Turbos in a US 000. Yes, a triple zero. Most people, who don’t knit loose like me, would be using a US 0.

Educate Me

I GOT A B!!!

I got a B! I got a B! I got a B! I just pulled up my grades online again, since they weren’t there 40 minutes ago, and I got a B! I got a B!

(Yes, really – I keep saying it over and over. I’m just that shocked. I even called Mike as I typed this and squealed “I got a B!” probably 5 times. I got a B!)

*whew* Big sigh of relief. Maybe my headache will go away now! I got a B!

Educate Me

My Head Hurts…

Today’s Chemistry final? EVIL. HARD. IMPOSSIBLE. So many other descriptive terms come to mind. Ugh. It was BAD. We had 2 hours to do it, which didn’t seem too bad – 20 questions, so that should be ok, right? Wrong. I think I left 4-5 questions completely blank in the end. I simply didn’t have time to do them. Out of 20 questions, 15 would count – so the first 5 that you missed were throw away questions. I did the math last night – I needed to get 100 out of 150 points to get a B in the class. I needed a 150 out of 150 to get an A. Ha! I know that isn’t happening! But I’m really scared that I’m not going to get a B either. Ugh.

She said our grades would be posted online this afternoon. So far, nothing. I’m not sure if I can take the stress. It has been almost 3 hours since I left that test, and my head still hurts from it.

I had considered taking my photography final today too – I’m so glad I didn’t do that! I was mush after the Chemistry final. So tomorrow I go back for my last final. That one shouldn’t be too bad, as it is the same lenght as our midterm and he gave us a good study guide for it. I’ll be working on that later today.

It is ironic how much I am freaking out over possibly getting a C in Chemistry II. My GPA at North Harris right now is 3.87. Considering I never broke the 2.0 mark overall the first 2 years I went to college, a 3.87 is awesome. So if my GPA for this semester is a 3.0, my overall will still be pretty high. Did that matter to me earlier today? No. Now I’m just upset because it won’t be a 3.87 anymore.

I left campus today questioning why I’m even there, which was wrong of me. I need to stop beating myself up. I am smart. I am intelligent. I can do this. But first I need to rest. My head still hurts.