Abducted by Aliens Educate Me

It Isn’t All in My Head…

The Real IMG_4362

I realized today that the same time that my dingy issues began and I started to forget everything was also the time when Dr. Head (the one that I go visit for the whole cyclothymic issue) decided to try me out on a different medicine. I guess I didn’t think about it before because I’ve been feeling so great on this medicine. Well, great aside from the fact that I can’t remember what I study for more than 10 minutes, which doesn’t do me any good when the tests roll around. It seemed like a smart idea to look into it (I still have an appointment with Dr. Has-a-Clue, the blood pressure doctor, for next week) and so I got an appointment to see him.

The second I walked in to his office, he said he was surprised that on a relatively low does I was suffering from the memory-loss side effect. Ok, he used some fancy word that began with a “C” that basically meant that I’ve become quite flaky. He then went on to ask if I’ve had a dry mouth lately – uh, yeah. I had just sucked down about 32 oz. of water while sitting in his waiting room. So we’re changing the meds. Hopefully we won’t lose the positive effects that this one brought on, but I’ll be able to find my brain again.

I knew it was a bit odd to go from having straight A’s to making C’s in almost all of my classes. Just not right. I wonder if the teachers will take a note from my doctor and let me take those tests over? Hm. Well, it actually won’t hurt me too bad in some of the classes – they drop the lowest test grade and replace it with our quiz average if it is higher. So there is still a chance to pull it all up.

I’m just so happy to know it wasn’t just my imagination that I was forgetting everything so fast.

Educate Me

Beat Head on Desk. Repeat.

Pink Roses and the Flying Buttress

I’m not having fun in school this semester. Last semester, I rocked. I had a 4.0! This semester? Not so good. I feel like I have no memory. Today, for example, we worked on equations in Chemistry. I did 4-5 problems using the same equation. Within 15 minutes of leaving class, I couldn’t tell you what the equation was that we learned.

Gah! This is driving me nuts!

What is going on? And more importantly, how on earth am I going to make it through this semester like this? I can’t do it, and all of my grades are going to be terrible if it continues. I study, study, study and within an hour I feel like it is all gone. I’m not doing anything different, so I just can’t figure it out. If anything, I am eating better and getting more sleep – I should be doing better, not worse! I really have to find a solution for this. Have any advice?

As I just lamented to GC, do you think I could get my Bio teacher to count knitting as work for the class? Like if I identify which phylum, class, order, family, genus and species the fiber came from? I mean, that should earn me a good grade, right?

Educate Me Knittastic!

No Brain Left…

Studying all this Trig and Biology has sapped my brain of all coherent thoughts. Ugh.

I’ll post photos of the Knitting Olympics launch tomorrow night, after I take the last test. Also, there are people in the photos and I want to clear it with them before I post them. The yarn shop is closed on Mondays.

I’m still in wedge 1 of my shawl, but I’m a lot happier now that I realized that the rows get shorter and shorter as you go along. 660 rows of knitting was sort of scary at first, but now I’m cool with it since it isn’t 110 stitches on each row. I’m on row 52 right now, so there is still a long way to go.

My first Jaywalker sock is done! Unfortunately, I won’t get the pair finished by tomorrow. No prizes for me. Picture tomorrow; I love how it turned out in the Trekking XXL yarn.

Oh! Before I forget (again) – I love to watch the figure skating at the Olympics, and I was so excited yesterday when I discovered that there is a show called “Olympic Ice” on the USA channel at 6pm EST/5pm CST. Daily. An hour of figure skating talk. Such fun! The TiVo is all set to catch it for me now.

I hear sines, cosines and tangents calling my name…

Amuse Me Educate Me Picture Time

Matchbox Pinhole Camera…

Oh my goodness. This is SO COOL. You can make a pinhole camera that uses 35mm film with a Matchbox! Check out the directions. I know what I’m doing this weekend! (Inbetween taking tests, knitting, watching the Olympics and studying. You know, in all my spare time.) [via ReadyMade Blog.]

Speaking of studying – I have my first Biology lab practical tomorrow. I’m terrified. I have to know Phylums and Genus names for a ton of itty-bitty things. (Bacteria, molds, fungus, algae, etc.) The test will be timed and is something like 150 questions long. I’m freaking out. There is no way. No way! I guess if I go back to reviewing the CD of images instead of reading about pinhole cameras, that might be a good start though. Sigh.

Educate Me Knittastic!

I’m Only Watching for the Commercials…

Parisian HoneymoonThe TiVo is humming along, recording the Superbowl for me. I’ve been cranking out Trigonometry problems for awhile now – is it sad if I admit that they are somewhat fun? Of course, I’m only in chapter 2, so maybe I’ll feel differently as the semester goes on. I need to stop studying math and focus for a bit on Biology instead. I have to memorize a zillion things about Kingdom Bacteria, Kingdom Protista and Kingdom Fungi. Inane things like how bacteria reproduces. Ugh. I would rather stick a spork in my eye, but I want to keep up the 4.0 track record, so I’ll study. But I won’t like it.

Chemistry and Trig rock. (As does Photography, obviously.) But Biology? Blech. I’m glad Pharmacy is much more about Chemistry and math. The things that make sense to me.

After another Biology review, I’m going to watch some of the Superbowl. I’ll admit, I just watch it for the commercials. I had to ask someone on Friday who was even playing in it this year. Yeah, I don’t do football normally. I’ll work on my knitting projects inbetween the commercial breaks.

I’m wrapping up my “script” for the podcast, and I might get to record it tonight. Then Mike can help me with the techno end of getting it online. Yeah! Oh, it is going to be such fun!