While watching “Pay it Forward” I decided to add more photos to my SXSW 2002 Gallery. Now the Friday photos are complete and the ones from Saturday afternoon are online. More to come!
Category: SXSW 2002
My SXSW Photos!
About time, huh? Well, you can finally view BlahBlahPhotos :: SXSW 2002! A huge thanks to Stephanie again for helping me complete the Gallery configuration – I was installing the wrong version of the NetPBM files, so it wouldn’t run for me. Now that I have the right version and it’s all set up, I’ll add my Saturday – Tuesday pictures over the next few days! Yeah! Some of these will end up in Pixelog too, in case you wondered. But not all the snapshot ones.
The last night I was in Austin for SXSW I met Eugene Mirman. Matter of fact, he sat with Andre and Dana at the table next to us at Katz’s. He had also been at the Bruce Sterling party and waited with our large group for cabs to arrive. I just noticed, thanks to Fark, that you can now hear him sing … well, hear the marvelous crooning child sing, on his site. I think I like “Hey Jude” the best. Make sure you have your speakers on when you visit!
It’s All About the Love…
So there is this big discussion going on over at SXSWbaby! and it reminded me of something I realized while at SXSW… I’ve been spending WAY too much time online. Matter of fact, some of you may have noticed my absence both during the conference and afterwards. No, this is not one of those “I’m leaving the blog world” posts. It is just meant to let you know that if I am not around much on the weekend, that’s why. I have some major house reorganizing I want to complete. I want to get out more and do more things with Jason. Museums. Parks. Places that are not computer friendly. I have cross-stitch projects I want to work on. I have books to read. I’ll be around, don’t worry. But I am evaluating my time online and cutting back somewhat. We’ll see what that means in the future. Now shut off your pc and go enjoy some fresh air.
More Photos!
Ernie stuck his photos from SXSW online in a directory so you can poke through them. My personal favorites are the next Charlie’s Angels (Bertie, Min Jung and Pamela) and Meryl & Nikolai at … at … man, I can’t think of the name of the restaurant! this one of Ernie, Rob and Bertie is great too!
The winner of the I didn’t even know he was there until I got home & really wish I could have met him prize? Jason of q.queso.com. Oh well, maybe next year…