It all started when I went to Emily’s house one night to watch the end of Sex and the City. Before we could start the show, she had to watch the end of the latest episode of America’s Next Top Model. A week or two later, I watched another episode with her. That was it. I was hooked.
I am addicted to America’s Next Top Model. It is my guilty pleasure, and it’s all Emily’s fault.
After Season 2 finished, I was thrilled to see that they were going to air Season 1 again over the summer. I watched every episode. But I have to watch them a certain way. I have to save the episode from the week before so I can watch it again before I watch the current episode. It’s like I have to get pumped up for the show. I need that little recap. (I do the same thing with The Amazing Race, so I guess it’s my thing with reality shows.)
Season 3 started last week – while Emily was out of the country. I recorded it, but I saved watching it for her return. Wednesday night I went over to her house in my housepants and a comfy t-shirt just to watch the first and second episode of the show. I had requested her infamous homemade popcorn, but there was a very, very special treat waiting for me. KW knows of my love for the au gratin pototaes at Vic & Anthony’s – so he made a batch of potatoes for me for a birthday treat! Some people get cake for their birthday, I get potatoes. So wonderful! And Emily had a claddaugh charm for me that she brought from Ireland for my birthday present, and I love it! I even did a happy dance!
Unfortunately, her Tivo recorded “Lost” last night instead of the second episode of ANTM, so now she’ll have to come to my place to catch up. Only right, since my guilty pleasure is all her fault. The show and the 800 thread count sheets – what next?
Coming up next week on America’s Next Top Model? They chop off all of their hair. It’s time for the model makeover, so be sure to tune in to enjoy the tear fest that normally follows!
7 replies on “I Have a Confession…”
I started watching it this season. I wanted to see what it was about! I wonder if they are going to put the previous seasons on DVD?! That would be cool.
I know someone who was going to be on that show… very strange… but hey, I’m addicted to FRASIER… so I have no room to talk 🙂
I want a claddagh ring for my birthday… I’ve been asking for it forever (since I’ve seen them on Buffy and Angel) and I guess I’m not dropping loud-enough hints because I don’t think Tom’s going to get it for me by my birthday and I’ll just have to get it myself. 🙁 but yay for cheesy potatoes. i could do very well in Ireland. 🙂
i want to record Lost, too, but i think it conflicts with Smallville. it’s been recording strange things for me lately. is there a way i can turn that off in my TiVo?
Yes, you can turn off the recording of strange things. It thinks it is recording shows you might like, but it has to “learn” more about you first.
Hmmm… claddaugh ring, huh? What size? Silver ok? …
I love ANTM ! we had only just had season 2 here. So I will have to watch out for spoilers. It was my Wednesday late night treat. Now it’s “Without a trace”…
I just started watching it too…and LOVE it! I haven’t watched reality tv before moving over here, but now I’m hooked on ANTM and the bachelor. Guilty pleasures, indeed. 🙂