I’m working on my editorial calendar for the next two weeks for all of my blogs, and I realized that I want to write something to help YOU. But I want to know what that is – straight from you. If you could have help & guidance about how to build a better blog to make online marketing of your business work for you, what topics would you like to see covered? What can help you out?
I’ve got a list going, but I’d love to hear what it is you need so I can make it even more specific!
3 replies on “Posts on Building Better Blogs…”
Allow guest bloggers. They will help you a lot to keep your readers busy in reading your blog.
You know, I want to know 10 way to engage your audience. What I mean is, show me ten ways to get readers involved.
For example, if you post three images from a session, and ask your readers which one they like best.
Similar to Aric, I would love ideas to get my blog visitors to spread my work around. I want them to share my work with their networks, etc.