Stuffy nose. Temp 100.3. Cough. Congestion. Sore throat. Achy all over. If anyone saw the Mack truck that hit me, could you let me know if you got the license plate number? Meanwhile, I’m going back to bed.
Slow and Sluggish…
I couldn’t figure out why my site was slow and sluggish. Then I noticed others were having the same problem. Then Robyn reminded me – there was a warning over at that they would have their servers down – and all of my Blogwhore links were run by Blogrolling. So I pulled them from the skins for now. Hopefully that should speed things back up! Please let me know if you’re still having problems!
2 replies on “Slow and Sluggish…”
blogrolling seems to be functional again…:)
It was only kinda down for an hour or a little more, I think, because I was able to see my sidebar again before work was over at 4:15ish 🙂 It sure is a cool tool, and I’m so glad that its getting even better with a nice new server or whatever 🙂
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19 replies on “Slow and Sluggish…”
hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better. Advil Cold & Flu. Works better than anything.
Hope you feel better! Btw, love the title of your post. 😉
Sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well! Make sure you take care of yourself!
that sounds really yucky. I hope you feel better soon.
hope you feel better soon.
Uh oh… sounds like what we have going around our home. Feel better soon ((hugs))
Guess it wasn’t allergies for you! 🙁 Feel better soon!
hope it passes quickly. hope you feel better soon.
I think it started as allergies but has since taken on a life of it’s own. Ugh. And Kymberlie? You know the post title was ALL for you, baby! 😉
I hope you feel better Christine! Maybe you ate too many big pink cookies? 😉
Get well soon!! 🙂 Day/Night Comtrex is a beautiful thing.
it got you too, huh? hit me from outta nowhere……..but i hope you feel better soon!!!
Hope you feel better soon! There’s nothing worse than being sick.
feel better soon christine.
You poor thing. I hope that you are feeling better now that its the evening. {{{hugs}}}
Eeek — you’re supposed to get sick in winter, not summer. I hope you’re feeling better soon!
Hope you feel bette soon Christine!!!
Get better soon!!