
By George, I Think I’ve Got It!

I’ve realized that part of why I don’t blog is my overwhelming need to compartmentalize what I blog. But then how? What? What goes where? What do I want to do with it all? Ugh!!! From there, I just go circling down the drain.

I used to post anything and everything here. That is why BigPinkCookie has such a crazy diverse history. Then things like Twitter & Facebook came along. Now if I find a funny joke or a cute photo, I post it there – not here. Which to be honest bugs the crap out of me. I have no archive of it personally then – when it is gone, it is just gone. Although in the case of my Twitter stream, I guess the Library of Congress has an archive of it. Which seems bizarre. It also reminds me that I still need to share my photos from Washington DC. But anyways…

Here is the plan:

  • BigPinkCookie – Write about life. Random things. Whatever I want. The joys of living in the Heights. Places I love to go here in Houston. Things I find amusing. Personal photo things. The day to day. Goal is to get back to writing here 5 days a week. Give me time to get warmed up…
  • Christine Tremoulet – Houston & Destination Wedding photography. Pretty much just wedding related posts, whether my photos or tips on wedding planning as it pertains to photography. Update 2-3 times a week, since I have a HUGE catalog of photos I’ve never shared.
  • Hot Mama Boudoir – using my super powers to help moms rediscover their beauty. Update as possible, since I only post what my clients say I can, and some clients ask that I post nothing online. Also post things related to women, beauty, and how mass media distorts our view and the battle to recover that. Update as often as possible.
  • Delightful Bicycle – why yes, I do want to blog about cycling, specifically cycling on a cruiser. The Slow Bike Movement. It isn’t about the speed, it is about the journey. Houston isn’t recognized for the cycling potential it has, and this is my little way to combat it. Or to write about my bike that I love & adore. Either way, it is going to be awesome. Planning multiple updates each week as the site gets going. Oh, and we’re going to have a biker gang. Yes, yes we are.
  • Business of Awesome – I’ve written about business topics here before, but they don’t make sense here. When it doesn’t make sense, I don’t do it. But I have a TON of info I’m happy to share, considering that I’ve owned a business in one form or another since 1999, and they’ve all been successful, including selling my dot com related one. I’ve been told that makes me a dot com success story, since that was every other dot com person’s dream. Whoo hoo! My dream? Helping creatives learn how to be better business people. It isn’t easy. We battle a lot with putting a pricetag on our work, and so many other things. So while it is a dream still right now, I can sense it coming to the surface. It is time…

This was actually the first thing I thought about when I woke up this morning. I realized that having a place for everything and everything in its place makes me happy. I’ll do a weekly update post here about what is going on everywhere else. And all will have a way to get here, because I like giving people a chance to know the real me.

Good. Glad we’ve got that sorted out now. On to other bigger things! YAY!!!

BlahBlahBabble Creative Geek

CSS Now Causes Minimal Bleeding…

While I still don’t love working with CSS, probably because I only do it a few times a year, I realized while working on the wedding photography site the other day that it now only causes minimal eye bleeding. Oh, it is still there, and I still end up pulling my hair out at some point, but I think it has definitely improved over the years.

I like to think that Tantek, Matt & Eric would be proud…

(I’m quite sure Ann would be proud too – that is her in the wedding photo above – but she is busy being a new mum to one of the cutest babes ever and likely has no time to notice these things.)

Now if only I could figure out how to get drop down menus with hierarchy in there instead of that weird categories menu, I’d be really happy!

BlahBlahBabble Wedding Photographer

Sydney & Chris – Married!

Sydney & Chris's Wedding

My dear friend Sydney came back to Texas to marry Chris, and Elaine & I had the honor of photographing their wedding for them. It was an incredible, wonderful day. I gushed a lot more about it over on the wedding blog, but I couldn’t let it pass without posting here too.

I first met Syd right before SXSWi 2003. Well, to be accurate, we actually met on a street corner in Austin – she recognized me from this blog and stopped Mike & me as we walked to the convention center. I’ve always known she is an incredible woman – and when we met Chris last summer while on vacation in Seattle, I knew he was perfect for her. I know they will have a fabulous life together – and I’ll be reading all about it on her blog, Twitter, Flickr, and any where else that I can go to keep up with her adventures!

Sydney & Chris's Wedding

It was such an amazing day!