
Beautiful Tube Photos Inspire Me…

I found this site the other day, and then forgot about it until I saw it in Pixeldiva’s “Things I Find Interesting” post. Then I realized, I should write more about it.

New Perspectives of the London Underground

These photographs amaze me. Something so simple, so everyday and common place probably for the photographer, captured so perfectly. I’ve been there – and looking at those photos takes me back to it all.

Looking through them makes me want to drop everything and go take amazing photographs.

What inspires you?

Categories Picture Time

Different By Nature…

Different By Nature

I have to confess, this may be one of my favorite getting ready photos from a wedding ever. She really wanted one of those hairstyles in that book, and she was really not happy to be told no!

More from Jacque & Joe’s wedding are over on the wedding photography blog.