
It is All a Matter of Perspective…

I logged in to WordPress to write a post, and then I saw the number. This blog has 29,330 comments. 670 comments shy of 30,000 comments. Real comments, not counting the spam ones Akismet has caught.


Granted, it has been around since 2000, but there have been a few starts & stops along the way. Just 670 away. 670 seems like a huge number, but then you look at it in the context of 30,000, and it becomes pretty small. I should do something special when I reach that mark, don’t you think? What should I do? Give me some ideas – lets have some fun with this!

Meanwhile, sorry for the silence. I’m wrapping up SEO & Better Blogging Site Reviews, and helping with a ShootQ set-up. Meanwhile, Mike & I did a pretty big blog move for Tasra of Tasra365 (I know the new site’s name, but I can’t share!), although to be honest Mike did most of the heavy lifting on that. It involved a WP migration along with a TypePad export & migration. The TypePad one was a bit tricky, as an export through their system doesn’t bring over all the image files. Mike sorted that all out though, and the new site looks fabulous with the tweaks Tasra has made! Now that we’ve worked out all the kinks on TypePad to WordPress migrations, we’re ready to help others with theirs as well! Sound like something you need? Let me know!

On the photography front, I have a lot of 2009 weddings, engagement sessions, and more to blog about over on the wedding photography site. Later this week, I’m going to start with the recaps. It has been an AMAZING year, and I can’t wait to share! The year isn’t over though — I have two more boudoir sessions and two more weddings, with one of the weddings being on New Year’s Eve!

I always wonder if people think the silence means I’m not doing anything — when, in fact, it usually means the opposite! It feels like 2009 has just blown right past. I can’t believe it is almost over!

Leave me a comment – it would be kind of awesome to wrap up 2009 by hitting that 30,000 mark!

Getting Down to Business

The All New BigPinkCookie!

BigPinkCookie Business Card - BackToday is the day I put it all out there. The big plan. What I’m willing & available to do for you. Are you ready for it? (I am! I’m super excited!!!)

I’ve been blogging now since 2000. You have seen me talk about a lot of different things. And as you saw me post last week, I’ve been having a big debate about where this blog should go. I would say that it has been an internal debate, but to be honest I called in the experts on this one – from asking you to weigh in here, over on Twitter, to emailing Sean Low and calling Regina Holder, Dane Sanders and Anne-Marie the Soap Queen.

I thought I needed advice, but in the process of talking about it I knew exactly what I needed to do. It was solidified when Anne-Marie said it before I even finished my sentence. Dane & Sean both weighed in that it was time to put my experience to good use and to share it with the world. Regina let me talk through it all like she is so great at doing.

It is time to put some geek spice back into the A dash of flavor and a lot of love. It is time to share what I know, from writing to helping you build a better blog.

I’ll still be writing on my wedding photography blog, and I’ll still be posting over at PhotoLoveCat and WhollyMatrimony!. But this site is officially changing … well, back to what it used to be. A hodge-podge of things, but mostly my thoughts on many different business related topics – especially where business and the internet collide. (Personal things might pop up from time to time, but those are still far more likely to appear on my Twitter account then they are here.)

I devour all I can all the time about marketing, branding, seo consulting company, blogging tips, and the whole online experience. Things we all need to make our creative businesses grow. Tips & tricks for small business owners. I am constantly answering questions on how to be a better blogger, how to improve your traffic, how to make potential clients take that next step to hiring you. I also often help people install and configure WordPress, set up themes, optimize their blog — and I’m ready to offer my help to a broader audience. (Pricelists coming soon, but for now I’m happy to provide you with a custom quote if you need anything.)

I am so excited about sharing all of this with you – again! I’m not sure what happened, and why I stopped. I do know a lot of it coincided with selling the blog hosting company and launching my photography business, but my love of the topic themselves never ended. I am officially getting my geek on again. My focus will definitely be photographers (because it is what I know), but what I have to share will apply to all different types of creative people, in the wedding industry and beyond.

That is the back of my new business cards for over there – what do you think? (I adore it, but I think that looking at a cookie for hours on end while designing makes me hungry!)

If there is one thing I’ve learned in the past year, it is to never set a limit to your dreams, because you will be amazed at where they can take you!

I have to say, it feels pretty good to be home. I’ve come full circle, and I couldn’t be happier.


My Former Co-Worker?

I think I may have worked with this guy. Actually, I’ve worked with several variations of him.

I love the fact that I don’t work with people like this any more…

Speaking of which, I’m having a Grand Opening at the studio next week! Come on out and join me – it should be lots of fun!

March 6 (Friday) – 11am – 8pm
March 7 (Saturday) 10am – 4pm

1024 Studewood, Houston, TX 77008
(In the Heights, between 10th & 11th St, just across from Hello Lucky and 10 1/2 St. Green building, has a large sign that says “Clover” over the door.)

All the details are over on the wedding & lifestyle photography blog. FREE mini-sessions to anyone who attends! FREE!!!

Hope you can join me! I’ll be working a lot harder then in the video, I promise!

Categories Picture Time

Different By Nature…

Different By Nature

I have to confess, this may be one of my favorite getting ready photos from a wedding ever. She really wanted one of those hairstyles in that book, and she was really not happy to be told no!

More from Jacque & Joe’s wedding are over on the wedding photography blog.