Changelog Picture Time

Feeling Fresh…

Flowers at the Cabin

These were the flowers on the bush right outside our cabin in the Ozarks. I have no idea what type of flowers they are, but if you do would you let me know? Is it maybe a hibiscus?

I am still making my way through the hundreds of photos I’ve taken in the past 2 weeks. I couldn’t handle the website looking so plan without a photograph, so I had to get this one online. It was my way of celebrating the fact that I registered a domain name tonight that I can use to once again run my photoblog, and maybe even someday as a photography business name if I decide to formally go that route. Fresh Photography. It fits the many facets of my photography – a fresh vision, fresh as in nature and bugs, a fresh look at something otherwise overlooked.

Plus I just like saying “fresssshhhhhhhh.”

So in honor of the new domain, something fresh for you to enjoy!


The Big Pink Cookie Icon Returns!

Ever since I put this theme into place, it has bothered me that my icon has disappeared. The icon is that little plate of cookies that shows up in the address bar, or on a tab if you use Firefox. (You really, really should be using Firefox. For your own safety.) Those cookies just make it easier to find my site. They have been around for some time, and I have missed them.

Tonight, I finally had enough. I was making some other edits over at PointySticks and I decided to finally investigate the cause of the missing icon. It turns out that the theme I use for this site had a line of text in the header that told the site to look for the faveicon.ico file somewhere where it does not exist. Removing the rogue line of text made the cookies return.

Some days, it really is the little things that make me so very happy.


Tell Me, Tell Me, Tell Me…

I am curious – for those of you out there reading this site via bloglines or the feed reader of your choice (mine is NewsGatorOnline) – does it bother you that I added the photos to my feed? Does it slow the feed reader down, slowing you down, causing you to just skip reading altogether?

I’m just trying to figure out what works best for the end user. While I primarily gear the site towards my needs and interests – I mean, it is a personal site after all – I like to make sure it is working for you.

I would be nothing without you. You? You mean thw world to me.

Now, be nice, stop blurking and leave a comment. *grin*

Changelog Picture Time

Mini Cafe for a Mini Study Break…

Mini Cafe Panis

The miniature view looking down from the bell tower of Notre Dame in Paris on Cafe Panis and the Seine. It looks even better viewed large.

As an added bonus, if you click that large link, you will see the image using the uber cool and fabulous Lightbox Plugin that I just found thanks to Jenn. That was THE fastest and the easiest plugin I have ever installed here and it is SO neat! (It isn’t as neat if you’re using Internet Explorer. It has glitches, I discovered when I called my Mom to show it off to her. Sorry about that. It works in Firefox.)

Inspired by Arkworld, I had to try my hand at Fake Model Photography. Beware – it is addicting once you get started! But so much fun!

Back to studying Trig for me. I needed a little mini break (pardon the pun), but I’m trying to be good about getting ready for this test. It is so hard and I’m so confused. *sigh*

On a positive note, the change in my meds has been a huge help. I went from a D on my first Chemistry test to an A on the second one. (She drops our lowest grade out of 7 tests, so no worries there.) I went from a C on my first lab practical in Biology to a high B on the second one, and a D on the first Biology test (brought up to a C thanks to extra credit) to a B on the second one (brought up to an A thanks to extra credit.)

I’m afraid Trig won’t go as well though – it is the only class that truly builds from one chapter to a next. I strugged to get through chapters 1 & 2 while on the meds, so now I barely remember it for chapters 3 & 4. I think I may be taking a do-over in this class. I really don’t want to kill my GPA just because I was jacked up on the wrong medicine for the first month of the semester.

Changelog Geek Love

Feel the Burn… (Er, the FeedBurner.)

Happy Honeymooners!I’m trying to convert all of my RSS feed readers over to using my FeedBurner feed. If you are reading this in Bloglines, NewsGatorOnline (my personal favorite), Google, My Yahoo! or your RSS feed reader of choice, would you mind converting? Just click here to subscribe. (I’ve included handy-dandy links on my sidebar too.)

One of the cool things about the Feedburner feeds now is that they offer features like including links and Flickr photos in their feeds. I’ve enabled both of those for now for testing. I have considered posting my links here, but this seemed like a good alternative.

If you have no idea what RSS feeds are, you might want to read these posts:
Mmmm… Feed Me…
NewsGator vs. Bloglines (My thoughts on why I prefer NewsGatorOnline to read RSS feeds.)
RSS – You Know What it is, Right?

And an oldie but a goodie that I wrote for ScriptyGoddessWhat is XML? And What is RSS? Why Do I Want It Anyways? Lots of little tidbits in there that are still applicable.

If you have a blog, enable feeds. Full feeds with pictures is best. Pretty please? I know it takes jumping through a few hoops on some hosted blogging platforms (namely Typepad), but it is so worthwhile. Let me know if you have any questions about this stuff – I’m a huge fan of feeds, so I’m happy to share any knowledge I might have.

But there is one thing to remember. If you read everything via feeds, take a moment to pop in to the sites you read every once in awhile and leave a comment or two. Every blogger appreciates your feedback. Well, unless they are really cold-hearted, but why would you be reading them anyways if they were?