Media Consumption

Lay and Skilling are Found Guilty…

The End of a Good Day...It made me quite happy today to turn on the TV and discover that the jury was already back on the Enron trial, and the jurors found Lay and Skilling guilty. I worked with people that were hit financially by the Enron collapse, and even now I feel a twinge of bitterness every time I see the old Enron buildings. Such greed, excess, cooking the books … crazy. All of it was just terrible, and it seems like very few people in Houston didn’t know someone that was hit by it directly. I’m glad to see that they were found guilty, and it will be interesting to hear this fall what their sentence will be. I’m hope that they will get a taste of what they deserve. It is impossible for them to feel the weight of all the pain they caused, but a taste of it is better than nothing.

Media Consumption


How can you not love watching old school Sesame Street videos? You know, from back before Elmo came on and the whole show changed? Man, I love Sesame Street. And cookies.

[via TV Squad’s article, Cancel Everything and Watch Sesame Street the Rest of the Day]

Media Consumption

Kid Safe Movies…

Mike was talking about taking Jason to the movies later, and as we tossed around different movie suggestions, I was reminded of Kids-In-Mind: Movie Ratings That Actually Work. If you want to know ahead of time if a movie is violent or too racy for your child to see, this site is great. It has a breakdown of exactly what happens in a movie (be careful of the spoilers if you care) and their own rating system for movies. Very helpful! For latest movies with free streaming and download, visit

Media Consumption

Swap Time!

I meant to write about this awhile back, and then the whole new car thing and tests made my brain flake out and I forgot. Doh! (Sorry about that, Sarah!) Anyways … it is time for a CD Swap! Get excited! Sign Up!

The theme this time is music that you loved and/or was popular when you were in high school. (For me? 80s music. Mmmmm… I love 80s music!)

Deadline to sign up: April 19, 2006 (next Wednesday!)
Swap groups emailed: April 21 or 22, 2006
CDs mailed no later than: May 1, 2006

Go! Sign up! It will be FUN!

Educate Me Media Consumption

I’m Avoiding My Biology Book Right Now…

I have a Biology lab practical on Thursday, followed by a Biology test next Tuesday (over a week away, not 2 days from now) and a Chemistry test this Wednesday. Wednesday is also Mike’s birthday. So I need to study for the Biology lab practical now so I don’t have to study on Wednesday night. I’ll still have to review, because we have to know a total of 35 phylum and class names for this unit. THIRTY-FIVE. I have issues with memorizing names like the phylums and classes. So far, out of the 35, I know phylum Mollusca and class Gastropoda. (Mollusks and Gastropods.) That isn’t going to cut it, so I am trying, hard. It just doesn’t “stick” for me though. Ugh. I’ll be SO GLAD when I am done with this Biology class!

I had to take a break, so I turned to the TiVo. I watched “Cheerleader Nation” and I’m totally hooked. It is about the cheerleaders of a high school in Lexington, Kentucky – which just so happens to be Mike’s hometown. His parents still live there. It is the public high school he would have attended if he had not gone to the Catholic high school. Every time they show the local scenery, including the trees changing colors in the fall, I point out that we should find him a job there and move. It is so beautiful there! Alas, the job is here, and he pointed out last summer when we visited that finding a job there in his field would not be easy.

But, man. What I would give to live somewhere with four seasons again.

Anyways, Cheerleader Nation is juicy but not too cheesy, with plenty of drama but not overly dramatic. Perfect for a study break. If you get a chance, check it out.

I guess I had better return to studying Kingdom Animalia now. Is it May yet?