Meme Me

50 Things…

I found this at Kathy’s blog after she found it at another Kathy’s blog, and while I normally don’t do most memes, this one looked like fun. Give it a whirl! I even shared some fun little stories in mine to spice it up and make it a little more interesting!

Fresh Finds Meme Me

Fresh Finds…

New to me even if they are not new to you – five fresh finds for Friday!

:: ed k. – better than breakfast cereal! Ok, Ed’s not new to me. He just finally got around to getting a blog set up!
:: J-Mo – another Houston blogger and a mom of a 5th grader too. Love it!
:: Tortilla Girl – it’s pink, there are pin-ups, who could ask for more?
:: Lisa’s Weblog – one of those sneaky people that was visiting here and I didn’t even know it! (Leave comments, fastest way for me to find you!)
:: Is Hell Endothermic? I like it. You should too.

You know, I haven’t done this in awhile and today is Friday the 13th – so today is bonus day! Here are five more for you!

:: The Bitter Shack of Resentment – Wonderful fresh wit, served daily!
:: Hall Penn – a Photolog. There are photos there. Really.
:: Trained Monkey – almost guaranteed to make you smile.
:: Mr. Analogy – Analogies AND photographic goodness.
:: Negroplease – Quite simply, Jason rocks. Enjoy.

There now. That should keep you busy while I’m working hard today…

Meme Me

Good Bloggers Gone Bad…

It makes me so sad to go through my link list and come across blogs that used to have such good writing and content – and now they are nothing but memes, 7 days a week. Sure, some memes are interesting and help me learn something about you, but now that it’s gone from the Friday Five and the Monday Mission to a meme or two for every day of the week, reading these blogs just makes me want to rip my eyes out.

It hurts to take people off of my link list, but I’m tired of reading about what shade of blue you are and if you were an anime character, who you would be. And I don’t need 2-3 lists per day of answers to questions. I want to read about YOU.

Jennifer asked last week about “What sort of blogs do you like?” That sums it up for me. I don’t like the meme blogs. I like blogs that offer me great links. Blogs with wonderful writing. A meme every once in awhile? Great! I’m all for them. But if that’s all I see when I visit your blog I will just keep on moving. So, how about you? What do you look for in a blog?

Meme Me

This or That…

This week’s This or That, from Christine:
1. CandyLand or Chutes and Ladders? I didn’t own either one as a kid, but I preferred to play Chutes & Ladders.

Meme Me

Monday Mission 2.33

PromoGuy’s Monday Mission, actually on a Monday. Try not to faint from the shock.

1. Many children have blankets, or a favorite nubby stuffed animal that they like to keep near them for security. Do you recall what you had for your “security blanket” as a child? When did you finally give it up? What brought that about? I was a stuffed animal, teddy bear, doll kind of kid. I had a Dressy Betsy – you could tie her shoes, button her clothes, and so forth. It was so cool. I got really sick one time and she was the casualty victim of it. I don’t remember if I got sick on her (ewwww) or if it was just a matter of I had an illness and she didn’t survive the washing machine. I still have one of my childhood teddy bears – I remember when he lost his nose. My Mom never could get a new one to stick on, so he still doesn’t have one. And half of his felt eye is missing. He’s well loved.