Meme Me

Meme Meme…

Courtesy of, use two words to describe the items listed:

Your home: Constant Cleaning
Your car: Silver Dirt
Your job: Insane Asylum
Your S.O.: Nowhere Man
Your Family: Precious Jewels
Your Friends: Sprite Throwers
The Internet: Always On
Television: Too Much
Books: Tall Stack
Today: Good Times
[via Moveable Beast]

Meme Me

Five Time

The “Roots” addition of the friday five caught my eye, so here it goes:

1. What is your lineage? Where are your ancestors from? My dad’s family is a bit of a melting pot, but mainly German, from the Northern parts of Germany. Some of them moved to the US from Canada. Remind me to tell you the story about the Tories someday. My mom’s family is Austrian, 100%. Frauenkirchen, near Vienna. (Austria. Not to be confused with Australia.)

Meme Me

Monday Mission 2.30

Not only am I going to do Promo Guy’s Monday Mission early – I should be the first one doing it since I just posted it for him! Read on if you want to see the rest…

Meme Me

So You Can Find It…

I really enjoyed Patti’s project, PhotoDay. It was interesting to have an “assignment” like this of finding things around me once an hour to photograph. I’ll confess, I did plan my trip to the camera store to fall on a photo time – I figured you guys could only handle so many cat photos! Feel free to check out my photographs here and visit the site, PhotoDay, to find links to everyone else’s photos! There were total of 45 participants – lots of days recorded all at once – pretty cool if you think about it.

I’ll be leaving this entry at the top of my site so that my PhotoDay Gallery is easy to find!

Meme Me

Photos All Over the Place…

I’ve brought the Photo Day gallery up to the moment – 8:09 is the last image to be added. My favorite? The Black-Eyed Susans. (That is what the yellow flowers are, isn’t it?) Since I won’t be going anywhere the rest of the night it should be interesting to see what other things I find to photograph at home!

More photographs will be added to the Pixelog within the next hour or so. I’ve edited the rest of my Tucson photos to put them online – only a month after my return from Arizona!