Meme Me

Photo Day, Live!

Now you can enjoy my Photo Day pictures! And lookie there … I finally read the manual, so I actually managed to take good close ups with my digital camera! Amazing what happens when you read the book, isn’t it?

Meme Me

Only 80 – 89%…

Thanks to Rannie, now you can test Your Blogwhore Quotient! My blogwhore quotient is between 80% and 89%. “You are definitely a Blogwhore, You know how to get the attention of bloggers around you. I bet you know how to have a good time too. I’m sure you didn’t need a test to tell you this, but you are making a wonderful impact on the blogging community.” Philo scored 100%. I wonder who will end up winning the game?

Meme Me

Monday Mission 2.27

Not sure why he calls them the Monday Mission since *I* never seem to do them any earlier then Wednesday! But here it is…

1. Have you had to repair anything lately? Did you do it yourself or have someone else do it?
Seems like the last thing I had to have repaired was to have my spare tire put on and my tire repaired. I didn’t put the spare on myself. I did take the tire in to be repaired. I’m a “call someone to fix it” kind of gal – that’s why I still live in an apartment!

2. Do you work out or exercise? Or is there anything you do each day for your health?
I was doing the Body-for-Life program and working out 6 days a week in addition to a pretty strict diet. Then I went to Boston, and there was no way I could really stick with it while playing tourist. So I’m taking a break this week and will start again on Monday. So far I’ve lost 6 pounds, but gained back one. I blame it on the lemon sorbet and Sam’s margaritas.

3. Are you a modest person? That is, would you be embarrassed for someone (an acquaintance, a friend, a stranger) to see you nude?
I am somewhat modest, but learned years ago to just deal with it. When I lived in Germany and travelled Europe I stayed at hostels, and sometimes you just have to deal. It’s only skin…

4. Some smells that I just can not stand are bags of grass clippings that have sat in the hot sun for a few days, burned hair and vomit (although, thankfully, I have not had to smell them all at the same time). What are some odors that you just can not stand to smell?
Vomit. Grass clippings. Mayonnaise. Bell Peppers. Raw fish.

5. Are there any social situations that make you uncomfortable?
I don’t like going to a social event by myself where I don’t know anyone. I suffer through it and make small talk though until I get over it.

6. Has a friend or an employer ever asked you to do something you felt was unethical or? What was it and what happened?
I worked for a law firm for 5 years. Make your own conclusions. 😉 No, no, just kidding. I don’t think anyone has ever asked me to do anything that I felt was unethical.

7. (continued) Well, we are not yet at our destination, though the way you described it, it sounds simply amazing. What is the first thing we should do once we get there?
Hmmm… I don’t know what the first part of this is, so let’s pretend our destination is Boston. The first thing we should do is put on some comfy shoes and start walking! Faneuil Hall, Quincy Market, the Old State House, Boston Common, Public Gardens, and the only place I didn’t make it to – Beacon Hill. Oh! Can’t forget the North End too! And TONS of photos along the way! Are you ready?

BONUS: In this whole world, what is fair?
Uh, I’m a Libra. I try really hard to see everything as fair. If it isn’t fair, I’ll just demand that it’s fixed.

Meme Me

Show Your Pride…

A few weeks ago, our challenge for the Blogwhore game was to create a meme. Rannie’s meme was to Show Your Pride.

I wanted to write something back then, but what could I write? I’m not gay. I’m not bisexual. But today it hit me. And I realized, we should all have some Pride. I have pretty much always been the type that looks at people for WHO they are, not the color of their skin or their sexual preferences. When I was a little girl I adopted the black lady who lived down the street from us because she was the same age as my grandmothers and they lived far away. I called her Grandma Ruth because that was who she was to me. When others asked, I would explain that she was my black grandma. Being a blonde-haired, blue-eyed child, I just didn’t get why this confused people. The first time I saw an interracial couple, Grandma Ruth asked me if I thought that was ok. I said sure, why not? I was 6, and in my eyes what difference did race make? I was about 9 or 10 the first time I met someone who was gay. Back in those days he would have been stereotyped because he was very feminine in nature. But what did I care? I was told that he liked men instead of women. So what? I still thought he was a nice man. When I was in my early teens my mom’s best friend had a step-son living in San Francisco. He got AIDs. At first I don’t even remember if we knew what he had, but I remember the first time I heard the words on the news. Again, I never looked down on him for his sexual orientation, I just thought it was sad that he had a deadly disease.

And this is why we all need Pride. We need to learn to tolerate one another. We need to live in peace, and no one should have to live in fear. No, I may not be gay, but I will never scorn someone who is. Instead I will stand by them and be proud that they are my friend.

Happy Pride to Rannie and all the other blogwhores. It was fun playing with you and I’ll be cheering you all on until the end. (Isn’t it ironic that on Pride Day they would vote off the only straight person? Oh well, I’m just happy I made it as far as I did.)

Meme Me

Monday Mission – Revised…

I just have to revise one of my answers from the Monday Mission I did earlier:

What (if any) recent movies have moved you emotionally? Which one and how so?

I just finished watching “Remember the Titans” again. I *love* that movie. I have had so many people say “Oh, I don’t want to watch it … I don’t like football.” It’s about so much more then football. It’s about race, discrimination, hatred – and overcoming it all. And it is guaranteed to make me misty-eyed at least 4-6 times, every time I watch it. One of my all-time favorites.

The next time you are going to hate someone for who they are – the color of their skin, whether they are male or female, their sexual orientation, whatever it may be … stop and think. Life is about so much more.