BlahBlahBabble Houston & The Heights

Reflecting on 9/11 and the Blogosphere…

Back in September, 2000 I started blogging on a regular basis. (I just checked – the posts picked up regularly around September 20th and rolled on from there.)

By September, 2001 I was blogging all the time, meeting people from all over, and it was a HUGE part of my life. But I had no idea how huge it was until 9/11 took place.

That day, I wrote 13 blog posts. But more importantly, blogs connected me with the world. I read live accounts of what happened. I read the sites of people that lived in New York and Boston. People who had family & friends that died on the flights that hit the World Trade Center, in the buildings, and in the emergency crews who fought to save them.

It was a heartbreaking time. While the media made it feel very cold & sterile for me, the blogs? They made it REAL.

Blogging was my news outlet for that week. It was the pulse of the heart of America. We connected over IM, we called each other on the phone. We connected. It was about the community. Lifting one another up. Supporting each other in such a time of crisis.

Everyone had a story.

In a way, my life and my connection to others through the internet changed that day. I know I’m not alone in that sentiment. For me personally, it is the one good that came out of something so horrifically bad. Those connections? I’m still friends after 10 years with several of the people I worried about on 9/11. The people that I talked to and checked in on? I’ve met them in person since then. I’m proud to call them my friends still.

I never imagined my life would be where it is today back then. I’m grateful for the life I have. I’m amazed by the people I’m fortunate enough to have in it, and several of those bonds were formed over a tragedy.

Things changed that day for people that blogged. There weren’t many of us back then, and almost every blog I knew was a personal one. That day, I think it was the first time we really saw the power of self-publishing in this medium in a whole new light. We saw the power of sharing our stories and connecting together.

This year as the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approached, I was inspired when I read Baratunde’s Birthday Post. You see, 9/11 is also his birthday. And on the fateful day of 9/11/01 he chose to spend that day outdoors with his mother, celebrating his life.

Unable to make sense of what was happening, unable to reach New York friends by phone and unwilling to watch traumatic images on loop without the benefit of new information, we made the best decision of that day: we turned off the television, left the apartment and went to a park. I figured I could engage with the news from my Internet command center back in my Somerville apartment, but I’d spend this day in the sunlight helping my mother heal and enjoying her company.

That’s just what we did.

I thought it was just the most appropriate thing to do. I couldn’t handle spending 9/11/11 staring at the television. Instead, I wanted to celebrate COMMUNITY. To be outdoors. To be surrounded by friends. I put a call out on Twitter & Facebook (my how things have changed in 10 years…) and invited people to join us at Beaver’s for lunch, with an optional bike ride to get there for those so inclined.

And then that was exactly what we did. Kerri, Mike & I rode our bicycles on down the bike trail and across over to Beaver’s, and that’s why I wanted to visit Europe to ride bikes, but Why cycle in Europe? because it has great lands and roads. I love the feeling of the breeze in my hair as we ride along, specially since I have been using almond oil in my hair. Once there, we met up with Jason, Elaine, Kenny, Muyiwa & Kari and had a fantastic meal. Enjoying the community that the internet has brought together along with a delicious meal. It was a day full of sunshine and laughter.

I needed a break from the media yesterday, and it was perfect. I think every year I’d like to continue the tradition of celebrating the community that the internet has brought together. I hope next year you’ll join me. We’ll ride our bikes. We’ll laugh. We’ll celebrate life.

When we bond together as a community, savoring the life we have here in America, it is then that we defeat the terrorists that attacked us that day.

5,261 blog posts here, since those first in September, 2000 to today. Maybe now is a good time to pick blogging back up again for real. I keep saying that, but I think it is only now that I really remember why, what it is that makes it so special. Why life shouldn’t be lived in 140 character sound bites on Twitter or locked down pages in Facebook. Those things have their place in my life, but I want something more. I want the story to be shared, to continue. I hope you’ll join me.


Gearing Up for Big Things Ahead…

I’ve struggled for a few years with reconciling what each of my three websites will focus on. What is too personal for the business blog? What belongs where? What do I need to do with this site or that site?

It has sometimes reached a point where I just didn’t write anywhere at all. Posting 140 characters on Twitter or a quick blurb on Facebook? So much easier. But as I mentioned a few weeks ago, I miss it. I’ve had a blog for 11 years now almost. I don’t want to give it up.

So while talking with my business mentor, Jeff, a few weeks ago, I brought it up. Like his website name? He has earned it, that is for sure! I can’t even begin to tell you how many times he has made me say, “Damn it, Jeff!” over the past few months, but he really does help me get to the bottom of things. The blog situation was one of them.

So moving forward, I’ve got some things to change.

Christine Tremoulet will be a working portfolio site. Mostly weddings, but sometimes I photograph other things as well. My photography identity will live there.

Hot Mama Boudoir will be all about boudoir and why I think every every mom should do a boudoir session. It will be all about sharing my super power.

BigPinkCookie will stay focused on the personal side of my life. Which I really need to work on, because my work/life balance is really skewed to lean towards work and I want it to lean back towards more LIFE.

Speaking of which, and completely inspired by Chookooloonks, I plan to work on creating a life list. This is a BIG challenge for me, since I actually seem to have no ability to dream. Ok, fine, maybe I’m exaggerating. But I need to work on dreaming. So a life list it is. You know, once I get some work done around here.

So now you know the big plan. It isn’t that far off of what I’ve been doing already, but I had to put it out there. I’m taking the first step. What do you think? As the reader, does that help you find things easier?


Change – and falling in love…

I’m feeling the need to change things up. To stretch, to grow. To reclaim things I once used to do. SXSWi interrupted my steady posting here, and I’ve missed it. So I’ll be doing more. I’ll finish my 30 lists, but on my own time. Who knows what it will be.

I know a big part of this is the shift in my photography business. After years of identifying myself as a wedding photographer + boudoir photographer, it is hard to flip it around. And yet I must do it – I long to do it. Not that I don’t LOVE weddings, because I do. So, so, so very much. But I love even more that through my intimate photography I can help moms grow in their confidence and rediscover their beauty.

I just stumbled upon Apricot Tea this morning while searching for a new blog theme. (Part of that whole need for change, I was looking at blog themes and pondering redesigns for all of my sites.) I couldn’t help but notice her sidebar links to Sex, Love, Liberation. I mean, how can you miss a blog with a name like that?

There, in the sidebar. There it was…

“Fall in love with yourself.”

That is what I want. That is what I want for my clients. That is what I want for myself. That is what I want for my friends, my family, for everyone I meet. I want them all to fall in love with themselves.

When we stop comparing ourselves to everyone else, we can finally see the beauty that we are. I think the world needs more of that.


Blog Goals! (30 Days of Lists: Day 7)

Oh goodness, this couldn’t possibly be more timely! As I mentioned before, I’m bad about “living in the moment” and not setting goals. I’m driven enough that this has worked out to be ok for me. Not great, but not bad. Just ok. But I’ve been working with Jeff Jochum on defining different goals, and several of the ones I’m working on involve my blogs.

Yes, blogs. As in I own more than one. This one is personal, but the rest are business focused, so I’m going to break this down by blog. (You are Here.)
– Finish up the 30 Days of Lists
– Participate in other writing prompt activities
– Get back to blogging about personal stuff 3-4 times a week
– Before I post something to twitter as a link, write a longer post about it here if it is worthy of it
– Redesign the site, or at least give it a thorough overhaul

Hot Mama Boudoir
– Do my homework from today’s call with Jeff
– Write up my declaration statement
– Write a whole new bio that is more about ME
– Contact more past clients about sharing their sessions online
– Once I have permission for using photos, write up posts – ideally, at least once a week
– Help moms rediscover their true beauty

Christine Tremoulet
– Think more about what my big goals are, my lofty mighty dreams
– Share posts featuring weddings within a few weeks of the wedding date, after the gallery goes online
– Revamp content on static pages on the site, replace the bio, update the FAQs

– Cheer Melissa on as she has been posting real weddings! Yay!
– Work with Melissa on ad packet
– Fix header image
– Do a weekly editorial post on trends & products
– Work with Melissa on creating a vendor directory within the next 6 months

SLGT Photo Project
– Make sure any pending posts are online
– Check in with clients who haven’t sent PR info for posts
– Schedule outstanding shoots for people who have signed up but never did session
– Find a programmer to change the calendar format for booking to an option to be one of 300 sessions

Some of these things can happen immediately, some with take time, some will require me to work with Melissa on them. Knowing what I want to do helps me focus on getting them done though! Now off to do my homework!

Want to join the project? Check out the 30 Days of Lists site!

BlahBlahBabble Reverb10

One Word: Learning… #Reverb10

Blue Ribbon

I remember regretting last year not joining in on the Reverb movement, so it caught my eye when I started to see people talk about it the other day on Twitter. As I mentioned, I miss writing. What better way then to have 31 days of prompts!

Today is the big day! Reverb 10 is all about reflecting on this year and dreaming about the next. I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes. Are you joining in? Leave a comment so I can read your posts too!

Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

My word for 2010 would have to be Learning. It felt like every week, I was learning something new about a whole variety of things. Adjusting to having a son that is now out of high school but still living at home and how that changes the family dynamic. Learning to let go of control of things in my business that are not my strength so I can focus on where I shine. Learning that I can’t do it all, and that is ok. Learning sometimes things I already knew, but had no idea I knew.

I love learning, most of the times. Sometimes, lessons are hard though. In the end, I’m grateful for all the things I’ve learned.

Learning wasn’t the first word I chose though. The first word was growth. As I looked back on the year, I feel like I’ve grown a lot, but that growth? It wouldn’t have come without learning. Sometimes it is important to acknowledge what got you to where you are at.

I would like the word that captures 2011 for me to be empowerment. I’ve been working behind the scenes of my business (part of that whole growth thing) because I’ve realized that I’ve got the chance to do something big. Bigger than just me. With my boudoir photography, I’ve had the opportunity to really impact women, especially moms. I will be focusing on that even more next year, because every mom is beautiful, and I want to show them just how much – just as they are. I want to empower them to know that beauty, and to be ok with it.

To be honest, at the end of it all I think there is some empowerment for me there too. I’m still learning about that though…

Be sure to leave me a comment if you’re participating in Reverb10! I’d love to check out your site and follow along!